Masternode Requirements

Requirements to run SliceLedger Masternode

Hardware requirements to run SliceLedger Masternode:

The process of signing blockchain transactions requires highly efficient hardware and processing power which are more reliable for running a Masternode.

· Directly facing internet (public IP, no NAT)

Using popular cloud providers are recommended as it is more reliable with uptime close to 100%. These servers would be a good starting point:

  • DigitalOcean: CPU optimized droplet 32GB/16CPU

  • Amazon EC2: C5 instance

  • Google Cloud Engine: n1-highcpu-16

Choosing weaker machine for running Masternode operations might result in poor performances, significantly impacting owner's rewards and chain performance.

Knowledge Required

  • VPS Setup - Ability to setup a cloud-hosted virtual private server (VPS)

  • Linux familiarity - A basic knowledge of how to SSH-into (ex: putty or terminal) and operate the Linux command-line.


Maintenance is necessary for every Masternode. It is node operator's responsibility to ensure regular maintenance. Make sure:

  • To have enough disk space to update and store latest data

  • It has ample processing power to keep the chain operating at optimal speed

  • System is secure and using latest version of security applications and OS

Last updated